To be complete honest with you, I am behind the times when it comes to AI, and I am okay with that. Teacher today are wrestling with many questions surrounding the new tech that range from, how can this make my life easier, to how can I keep this from taking over my classroom. We don’t yet understand the effect AI will have on students and teachers. Only time will tell. Having the opportunity to experiment with it in the tech lab I have drawn a number of conclusions of my own that will likely be proven wrong as we begin to see the next generation manipulate the technology in new exciting ways.
- AI is sometimes wrong. Some of the information in Chat GPT is outdated, particular information on current events.
- Chat GPT cannot do everything for you. Some things you are just going to have to do yourself.
- Chat GPT can write lesson plans, but does not know YOUR class the way you do. As an educator I believe lesson plans should be tailored to fit the specific classroom needs. Each class is unique in its learners and fund of knowledge. These are things that only a teacher can incorporate.
- Chat GPT saves time (but not that much time) Frankly as soon as you have a template that works, writing a lesson plan is not going to take that long. And with having to check the Chat GPT lesson plans for mistakes the overall time cost is similar.
- Chat GPT can be influenced by stereotypes. I myself did not experience this in the lab, however I have heard about AI picking up o racism and other harmful stereotypes. While using a technology that takes information from many sources we must ask ourselves, is this a source that I want to be using in my classroom? Are these sources going to promote a healthy and inclusive classroom environment?